Community Events
We stay actively connected and strive to be involved and present at local colleges, universities, civic organizations, community events, fundraisers and charity events. Of course we don’t have the time or resources to support every good cause but these are several that are close to our hearts.
The Okra Strut

The Chapin Labor Day Parade 2021

The Chapin Labor Day Parade 2019

McDaniels Golf Classic Benefiting Lexington Medical Center Foundation
An annual fundraiser to purchase new machines in the pursuit of cancer awareness and prevention.

Pawmetto Lifeline
A continuous endeavor to save the lives of domestic animals who would otherwise be euthanized. Providing care in hopes of getting these fur babies adopted.

Supporting Adoption

Burke and Staci recently celebrated 25 years of marriage. God is good but life has not always been so easy. Ten years into their marriage, they discovered roadblocks with having biological children. Through much counseling and prayer they realized that once again God had other plans for their family. He brought several friends into their lives who had been impacted through adoption. Burke and Staci applied to be adoptive parents through Bethany Christian Services, a crisis pregnancy center and adoption advocate connecting birthmothers and birthfathers with adoptive family choices. Through this process of faith, God blessed them with two sons. They were blessed to be a part of their sons’ lives even while still in the womb. They received ultrasound photos and were even there during delivery. God’s plans have a greater reaching scope than we are ever capable of understanding. Adoption changed them to take their eyes off themselves to see a much bigger picture. Their family grew by extension through open adoption allowing them to keep in touch with their sons’ birthmothers and birth siblings. Adoption also became a part of who they are in community with others who have gone down the same path as well as others who are struggling to become biological parents and are contemplating adoption. They support adoption wholeheartedly and pursue ways of giving back to others through prayer, advise, guidance, and even monetary support.

Bethany is is just one of the many adoption and crisis pregnancy counseling organizations in the United States. You can check them out online at https://www.bethany.org. They wholehearted support and encourage families who may have difficulty conceiving or carrying a biological child of their own through counseling and child placements. They support birthmothers through counseling and guidance to navigate through life regardless if these birthmothers choose to parent or place their child for adoption. If birthmothers do choose adoption, Bethany provides these birthmothers with options of open adoptions (meeting face to face) or closed adoptions (never meeting). They provide comprehensive backround checks, screenings and case studies of the adoptive families they promote. Photo albums of prospective adoptive families are given to birthparents to select and birthmothers are given the reigns of choosing which family to place their child into as their forever home. In our society where abortion is often seen as the only answer, organizations like Bethany saves lives thorough adoption and helps infertile families heal thorough placing a child in their arms. Unfortunately, too many babies are killed through abortion and the lists for waiting adoptive families is very long. It doesn’t have to be this way which is why we see fit to share our story and provide a little light through education. If God does not call you to personally adopt, he most certainly calls you to support adoption or orphans in some way. It may be by donating clothing, furniture, food, or money. It may be by assisting through foster care or assisting those families who are actively foster parents. There are so many ways that we can make a difference whether that be directly or indirectly.